I was able to get an extremely limited number of Chunkers for an amazing price for the quality and they are available ONLY here in the store at GroomingSmarter.com for a limited time. Buy the set and receive a DVD on how to use Chunkers as well as a free case! If you only need one, that is OK You will get a free case with them also. The DVD is new, and it explains why CHunkers work, how they work and what the different types DO as well as why you may need several pairs. It will be available for purchase in addition to being free with the set of Chunkers, next week for purchase.
We are also offering an amazing sale price on MUNCHKIN thinners and chunkers while supplies last!
We are also introducing the first in a line of Videos on grooming that I am producing, entitled Fast is Not a Four Letter Word, based on the lecture series I gave in Atlanta two years ago. It was a huge hit and I have turned it into a video series starting with Bella Webb, a small Shih-Tzu that is groomed from bath to finish in under an hour.
It is going to be an exciting year coming up in 2017, so follow us here and on my other blog at groomwise.typepad.com/grooming_smarter/ , the Barkleigh Honors Blog of the Year for 2015 and 2016.
I have lots of things in store for you that are new, innovative and AFFORDABLE!
So check out the store here to help us keep this information coming to you for free. I send hours and hours writing, researching and am excited now to offer you even MORE tried and true products and specialty items to make it easier for you to Groom Smarter not HARDER!
If you are a member of my FB group, GroomingSmarter you will have a link to a code for free shipping on orders over $100 for USA groomers, and overseas and Canadian groomers will get 10% off an order over $100.
My way of saying MERRY CHRISTMAS a bit early!
Watch for Black Friday specials as well. (Shears will not be include in BF deals unfortunately).