WELL today it got up to 102 according to my house thermometer. 102!!! That is hot. I had to come to work this afternoon for boarding dogs and had to put up with heat until the AC managed to get it to a reasonable level.
Here are the photos I took of the thermometer in the car right after I got in.
SO while I had my thermometer with me (and no dogs) I decided to take a few random temps outside on the way into my shop on this scorchingly hot day.
This photo of the thermometer was taken in the parking lot at my shop. It IS NOT ASPHALT its compacted gravel...and it's that hot in partial shade.
This photo was taken of the sidewalk at my shop. It is made of concrete and is in partial shade as well. I am worried now about the dogs walking on it to get to the car in the late afternoon. Something that I never really thought about until I did this experiment.
Bottom line is this. We have hot summer days ahead and things we never thought about being hot are hotter than we thought. And they STAY hotter than I thought they would.
Be careful. Leave your pets at home if possible and if it's not possible CARRY THEM to the car and the building, DO NOT WALK THEM!
If you have to put them in a car, cool it off first and put a towel from in the house underneath them and NEVER leave their carriers in the car as that will just make an oven in the hot temps I saw today. Since air cannot circulate in them as easily to cool it off they will stay hotter as well.
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